Taoist Alchemy 6: The Three Spaces
Harmonize with Heaven. Learn to structure the Taoist universe by integrating the cosmic, social, and personal spheres with the Three Inner Spaces and Inner Cavity.
Talk | Structuring the Personal Space
Session 1 | Short
Session 1 | Long
Talk | Structuring Training Area Space
Session 2 | Short
Session 2 | Long
Talk | Structuring the Inner Three Spaces
Session 3 | Short
Session 3 | Long
Talk | Structuring the Inner Cavity
Session 4 | Short
Session 4 | Long
Session 4 | alternate ending (short)
Session 4 | alternate ending (long)
Session 4 | with Celestial Eye (short)
Session 4 | with Celestial Eye (long)
Structuring the Cosmic Space
Session 5 | Short
Session 5 | Long
Session 5 | alternate ending (short)
Session 5 | alternate ending (long)
Session 5 | Celestial Eye (short)
Session 5 | Celestial Eye (long)
Nine modules. Each module includes a talk and session. The sessions give a structured, easy-to-follow way to practice based on the private guided instructions of the lineage.
Yes. You may complete the course at your own pace, and revisit whenever you like. The length of each course will vary for everyone, because everyone is different. The courses are designed to be flexible.
Yes. Each talk and session has a discussion feature, where you can ask questions. You will also get access to a private community called TAO Friends.
Yes. TAO Talks private lecture series, the book series (The Taoist Alchemy of Wang Liping), YouTube channel, and private community (TAO Friends).
Student needs to be able to sit in cross-legged meditation posture for at least 75 mins, and this time increases during the course.
Yes. Please, check your spam folder if you don't receive one.
Yes. But you must follow the safety advice given. Like any advanced internal/energetic practice, internal alchemy can be dangerous if done incorrectly. However, the methods in Taoist Alchemy Online have been put together safely. The guided sessions passed on by Wang Liping come with various safety mechanisms built in.